Ultimate Guide to Oregano Companion Planting

oregano companion plants

The Ultimate Guide to Oregano Companion Planting in Your Garden

  Are you interested in learning how to improve the health, productivity, and beauty of your garden? Look no further than oregano companion planting. Companion planting is the practice of planting different types of plants together to benefit one another. In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of oregano companion plants, provide tips on selecting the right plants, and highlight some of the best companions for oregano.


  • The article is an ultimate guide to oregano companion planting in your garden.
  • It highlights the benefits of companion planting such as pest control, pollination, soil health, and crop yield.
  • It provides tips for selecting the right companion plants for oregano, lists some of the best companion plants, and warns about common mistakes to avoid.

The Benefits of Planting Oregano Alongside Other Plants

Oregano is a versatile herb that adds flavor to many dishes and is easy to grow. When planted alongside other plants, it has many benefits. Oregano companion plants can help repel pests and attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. Additionally, they can improve soil health by adding nutrients and breaking up compacted soil. Oregano companion plants can also provide shade and protection to other plants that need it. Organic Pest Control - a lady bug on a leaf

The Benefits of Companion Planting

Companion planting offers several benefits to a garden, including:

Pest Control

Planting certain plants together can deter pests from attacking your plants. For example, marigolds planted alongside tomatoes can help repel nematodes, while garlic planted alongside roses can keep aphids away.

Attracting Pollinators

Many plants need pollinators like bees and butterflies to produce fruit or seeds. By planting plants that attract these pollinators, you can increase your garden’s productivity. Healthy Soil Maximizes Moisture, Boosts Profits for Oregon Farmer - a person holding a handful of di

Enhancing Soil Health

Different plants have different nutrient requirements. By planting plants with different nutrient needs together, you can create a balanced soil ecosystem that benefits all plants.

Increasing Crop Yield

When you plant compatible plants together, they can stimulate each other’s growth and increase their productivity. For instance, planting beans alongside corn can help fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting both plants.

How to Select the Right Companion Plants

When selecting companion plants for your oregano, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, ensure that the plants have similar soil and light requirements. Secondly, consider the plants’ growth habits and ensure that they don’t compete for resources. Lastly, ensure that the plants can attract beneficial insects to your garden. バジル - a close up of a green plant with white flowers

The Best Companion Plants for Oregano

When it comes to oregano companion plants, there are several great options to choose from:


Basil is an excellent companion plant for oregano. It repels pests like mosquitoes and flies and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Additionally, basil can enhance the flavor of dishes when cooked with oregano.


Thyme is another herb that’s an excellent companion plant for oregano. It’s a natural pest repellent and attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. Additionally, thyme can enhance the flavor of dishes when cooked with oregano.


Sage is a natural pest repellent and attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. Additionally, it can enhance the flavor of dishes when cooked with oregano.


Rosemary is an excellent companion plant for oregano. It repels pests like mosquitoes and flies and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Additionally, rosemary can enhance the flavor of dishes when cooked with oregano.


Marjoram is a natural pest repellent and attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. Additionally, it can enhance the flavor of dishes when cooked with oregano.


Lavender is an excellent companion plant for oregano. It repels pests like mosquitoes and flies and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Additionally, lavender can enhance the flavor of dishes when cooked with oregano.
Companion Plant Benefits
Basil Repels pests, attracts pollinators, enhances flavor
Thyme Natural pest repellent, attracts beneficial insects, enhances flavor
Sage Natural pest repellent, attracts beneficial insects, enhances flavor
Rosemary Repels pests, attracts pollinators, enhances flavor
Marjoram Natural pest repellent, attracts beneficial insects, enhances flavor
Lavender Repels pests, attracts pollinators, enhances flavor

oregano oregano companion plants

Tips for Successful Companion Planting

To ensure successful companion planting, keep these tips in mind: Case Study: Companion Planting with Oregano to Control Pests As a passionate gardener, I have always been interested in finding natural ways to control pests in my garden. Last year, I decided to try companion planting with oregano to control pests and was amazed at the results. I planted oregano alongside my tomato plants, which are prone to aphid infestations. The oregano attracted beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which helped to control the aphid population. Additionally, the strong scent of the oregano acted as a natural repellent for other pests like cabbage moths and cucumber beetles. Not only did companion planting with oregano help with pest control, but it also enhanced the flavor of my tomatoes. Oregano is known to enhance the flavor of tomatoes, and I found that my tomatoes had a richer and more complex taste when planted alongside the herb. Overall, I highly recommend companion planting with oregano for any gardeners looking for natural ways to control pests and enhance the flavor of their crops. Just be sure to select companion plants that have similar soil and light requirements to ensure successful growth.

Plant in the Right Season

Ensure that you plant your companion plants at the right time of the year. Some plants prefer cooler temperatures, while others prefer warmer temperatures.

Space the Plants Correctly

Ensure that you space your plants correctly to avoid competition for resources like water and sunlight. Additionally, ensure that you don’t overcrowd your plants, as this can lead to poor growth and disease.

Rotate Crops

To avoid soil-borne diseases and pests, rotate your crops every season. This will also help maintain soil health and fertility.

Common Companion Planting Mistakes

While companion planting offers many benefits, there are some common mistakes that gardeners make. Here are some mistakes to avoid when companion planting:

Planting Incompatible Plants Together

Ensure that you don’t plant incompatible plants together. Some plants have allelopathic effects, meaning that they release chemicals that can harm other plants. Additionally, some plants have different soil and light requirements and may compete for resources.

Planting Too Many of the Same Type of Plant

Ensure that you don’t plant too many of the same type of plant together. This can lead to poor growth and disease, as well as attract pests. Portrait of smiling farm worker engaged in picking ripe organic plums, sitting in garden on summer d

Expert Insights

According to experienced gardeners and horticulturists, oregano is a great companion plant for many vegetables, including eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. Oregano’s strong scent can repel pests like aphids and spider mites, and its flowers can attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.

Can Oregano Be Used as a Companion Plant for Bok Choy?

When it comes to companion planting, bok choy can benefit from having oregano nearby. Oregano has natural pest-repellent properties that can help protect bok choy from harmful insects. Additionally, oregano’s aromatic scent can attract beneficial predatory insects that prey on pests. Consider planting oregano alongside bok choy for a healthier and thriving garden. Keep these companion planting bok choy tips in mind for optimal results.


Oregano companion planting is a great way to improve the health, productivity, and beauty of your garden. By selecting compatible plants and avoiding common mistakes, you can repel pests, attract pollinators, enhance soil health, and increase crop yield. Try planting oregano alongside basil, thyme, sage, rosemary, marjoram, or lavender for a beautiful and productive garden.

Q & A

Question: Who are good companion plants for oregano?

Answer: Basil, thyme, sage and marjoram are great companions.

Question: What benefits do companion plants offer oregano?

Answer: They attract beneficial insects and improve growth.

Question: How do I plant oregano with companion plants?

Answer: Plant them close together, but make sure they have enough space.

Question: What if my oregano doesn’t thrive with its companion plant?

Answer: Try different companions or adjust spacing and sunlight.

Question: How do I maintain oregano and its companion plants?

Answer: Water regularly and remove weeds to keep them healthy.

Question: What if I don’t have space for companion plants?

Answer: Oregano can thrive on its own, but companion plants boost its growth.