Winter Care for Succulents: Keep Them Thriving

Winter Care for Succulents

With their unique and striking appearances, succulents have become increasingly popular houseplants and outdoor garden additions. However, when winter rolls around, succulents require special care to ensure their survival and continued growth. Learning how to care for succulents in winter is essential for maintaining their health and beauty throughout the cold months.

During winter, succulents face challenges such as cold temperatures, frost, and reduced sunlight. Some varieties can tolerate these conditions better than others, but it’s important to provide the necessary care to all succulents to improve their chances of thriving. By following a few simple tips, you can protect your succulents and help them survive the winter months.

Key Takeaways:

  • Provide suitable locations for your succulents during winter, such as covered porches, sunny spots, or indoors near bright windows.
  • Protect succulents from freezing weather and excessive moisture by raising them off the ground and wrapping them in fleece.
  • Add a layer of gravel around the roots to protect against frost and promote efficient drainage.
  • Adjust your watering schedule in winter, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering.
  • If necessary, overwinter your succulents indoors by providing them with adequate light and maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels.

Winter care for succulents doesn’t have to be complicated. By adhering to these tips, you can ensure that your succulents stay healthy and vibrant throughout the winter season. Whether you have succulents in your garden or as indoor plants, taking the time to provide them with the care they need will result in beautiful and resilient plants come spring.

Continue reading to find out which succulents can stay outside in winter, how to winterize your outdoor succulents, care for succulents indoors during winter, and additional tips for overwintering succulents.

Next: Which Succulents Can Stay Outside in Winter?

Which Succulents Can Stay Outside in Winter?

When it comes to winterizing succulents, it’s important to know which ones can withstand the harsh cold temperatures. Some succulents are hardy and can tolerate very low temperatures, while others are more delicate and require extra protection. Here are some tips to help you determine which succulents can stay outside in winter:

  • Hardy Succulents: Hardy succulents like sedum, euphorbias, and sempervivum are resilient and can handle cold temperatures as low as -20ºF. These succulents have built-in mechanisms to survive freezing conditions, such as thick leaves and stems that store water. They are excellent choices for outdoor winter landscapes.
  • Tender Succulents: On the other hand, tender succulents like aloe and some varieties of echeveria prefer milder weather and cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. If you live in a region with harsh winters, it’s best to bring these tender succulents indoors or provide them with frost protection. Frost protection methods include covering them with blankets or using frost cloths to shield them from the cold.

When purchasing succulents, always check the label or do your research to ensure they are suitable for the temperature zone you live in. This way, you can choose the right succulents that will thrive in your specific climate and minimize the risk of losing them to winter frost.

Remember, the ability of succulents to tolerate freezing temperatures depends on the amount of water stored in their leaves and stems. Hardy succulents with thick, fleshy leaves can survive colder temperatures because they have more water reserves. Tender succulents, with thinner leaves and stems, are more susceptible to damage from freezing temperatures.

Keep these factors in mind when deciding which succulents can stay outside in winter. By understanding their individual needs and providing the necessary protection, you can enjoy beautiful and healthy succulents even during the coldest months.

How to Winterize Succulents for Outdoor Care?

To ensure the survival of your outdoor succulents during winter, there are several steps you can take to protect them from the harsh elements. Whether you choose to bring them indoors, relocate them to a covered porch or sunny spot, or provide them with a greenhouse or conservatory, the goal is to create a favorable environment for their winter dormancy. If your succulents must remain outside, there are additional measures you can employ to safeguard them.

Raise them off the ground: By elevating your succulents, you can shield their delicate roots and leaves from potential frost damage caused by contact with the frozen ground. Use plant stands or bricks to lift the pots off the ground and create a barrier.

Wrap them in fleece: Protect your succulents from freezing temperatures and excessive moisture by wrapping them in fleece. This breathable material acts as insulation, providing a layer of warmth while also allowing air circulation.

Add a layer of gravel: Placing a layer of gravel around the roots of your succulents serves multiple purposes. It acts as a protective barrier against frost, prevents the leaves from drooping into wet soil, and promotes efficient drainage.

Ensure efficient drainage: Succulents thrive in well-draining soil and dislike sitting in water. Enhance the drainage of your outdoor pots by adding a layer of gravel at the bottom, using a cactus and succulent mix, and providing adequate drainage holes.

protect succulents in winter

How to Care for Succulents Indoors in Winter?

When it comes to indoor succulent care in winter, there are a few important factors to consider to ensure the well-being of your plants. Follow these tips to keep your succulents thriving during the colder months:

  1. Prepare your succulents: Before winter arrives, it’s essential to check your indoor succulents for any signs of infestation. Spray them with an insecticide to prevent pests from causing damage.
  2. Transplant into well-draining soil: Succulents prefer soil that allows excess water to drain quickly. Transplant your indoor succulents into pots with drainage holes and use a well-draining succulent soil mix.
  3. Reduce watering gradually: Succulents are adapted to survive in arid conditions, so it’s crucial to adjust their watering schedule for winter. Gradually reduce the frequency of watering and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.
  4. Provide sufficient light: Succulents thrive in bright sunlight, so it’s important to ensure they receive adequate light indoors. Place them near a windowsill or provide artificial grow lights, especially in colder regions where natural light may be limited.
  5. Check temperature needs: Indoor succulents prefer temperatures between 50-60ºF (10-15ºC). Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature fluctuations, as it can cause stress to the plants.

By following these care tips, you can create a suitable environment for your indoor succulents during the winter months. Remember to monitor their condition regularly and adjust the care routine as needed to ensure their health and vitality.

indoor succulent care


Winter care for succulents is essential for their survival and continued growth. By implementing effective winterizing techniques, you can ensure that your succulents stay healthy and vibrant throughout the cold season. Whether you have outdoor or indoor succulents, understanding their specific needs and adjusting your care routine accordingly will help them thrive during winter.

For outdoor succulents, consider moving them to suitable locations, raising them off the ground to protect their roots, and providing fleece protection against freezing temperatures. Adding a layer of gravel around the roots and ensuring efficient drainage will further safeguard them from frost damage. Proper feeding and watering practices are crucial, as succulents require less water in winter.

Indoor succulents should be prepared for winter by checking for pest infestations, transplanting them into well-draining soil, and reducing watering gradually. Adequate lighting, either natural or artificial, is essential to maintain their health and growth. Keeping the temperature within the recommended range of 50-60ºF will also contribute to their overall well-being.

Remember, with the right care and attention, succulents can not only survive but also thrive in winter conditions. Follow these succulent care tips and continue to provide the necessary care and maintenance, and you’ll enjoy beautiful and flourishing succulents all year round.

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