Discover the Best Succulents for Terrarium – A Green Thumb Guide

best succulents for terrarium

Terrariums are a captivating way to create miniature landscapes in glass containers. In this comprehensive guide, we will help you choose the best succulents for your terrarium. Succulents are ideal for terrariums as they require low maintenance and can tolerate the enclosed environment. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a popular choice for terrarium enthusiasts. Choosing the right succulents will ensure the success and longevity of your terrarium.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose succulents for your terrarium that require low maintenance and can tolerate an enclosed environment.
  • Consider the size, shape, and style of your terrarium container when selecting the best succulents.
  • Recommended succulents for terrariums include Aloe vera, Echeveria, Haworthia, Sedum, Graptopetalum, Crassula, Kalanchoe, and Agave.
  • Proper care, placement, and soil composition are essential for the health and longevity of your terrarium.
  • Add optional materials such as decorative stones or figurines to personalize and enhance the visual appeal of your terrarium.

Terrarium Containers: Size, Shape, and Style

When it comes to choosing the right terrarium container, considerations such as size, shape, and style play a crucial role in creating a visually appealing and functional terrarium. The container you select will not only impact the overall aesthetic of your terrarium but also determine the ease of planting and care.

Open terrariums with larger openings are recommended for beginners as they are easier to plant and work with. These containers allow for better airflow and ventilation, making them suitable for a wide range of succulent plants. Additionally, the larger opening provides more space for arranging and positioning your plants. Glass containers are a popular choice for open terrariums as they offer better visibility, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty of your succulents.

Closed terrariums, on the other hand, create a self-sustaining environment that requires minimal watering. These containers are ideal for low-maintenance terrariums and are especially suitable for succulents that prefer higher humidity levels. While closed terrariums may be more challenging to plant, they offer a unique opportunity to create a mini-ecosystem that thrives on its own. Glass containers with airtight lids are commonly used for closed terrariums, but alternative options such as mason jars or goldfish bowls can also be considered.

Ultimately, the choice between open or closed terrariums and the style of container depends on your personal preference and the type of terrarium you wish to create. Consider the maintenance level, the specific succulent plants you intend to use, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve when selecting the perfect terrarium container.

best indoor succulents for terrarium

Terrarium Containers: Size, Shape, and Style

Container Type Advantages Disadvantages
Open Terrariums
  • Easier to plant and work with
  • Better airflow and ventilation
  • Suitable for a wide range of succulents
  • Provides more space for arranging plants
  • Requires more frequent watering
  • May have less humidity
Closed Terrariums
  • Creates a self-sustaining environment
  • Requires minimal watering
  • Suitable for succulents that prefer higher humidity
  • More challenging to plant
  • May limit plant choices due to humidity levels

Recommended Plants for Terrariums

When it comes to choosing the best succulents for your terrarium, there are several low-maintenance options that are well-suited for the enclosed environment. These top terrarium succulent choices are not only visually appealing but also thrive in limited space and varying levels of humidity. Consider adding these succulents to your terrarium:

  • Aloe vera
  • Echeveria
  • Haworthia
  • Sedum
  • Graptopetalum
  • Crassula
  • Kalanchoe
  • Agave

These succulents come in different shapes, colors, and textures, allowing you to create beautiful and diverse terrarium arrangements. Their ability to thrive in arid conditions makes them perfect choices for a low-maintenance terrarium. Whether you prefer a desert-themed terrarium or a lush green one, these succulents will add a touch of natural beauty to your indoor space.

Table: Comparison of Recommended Terrarium Succulents

Succulent Watering Frequency Light Requirements Growth Pattern
Aloe vera Once every 2-3 weeks Indirect sunlight Upright, rosette-shaped
Echeveria Once every 2-3 weeks Bright, indirect sunlight Rosette-shaped, compact
Haworthia Once every 2-3 weeks Bright, indirect sunlight Clustered, rosette-shaped
Sedum Once every 2-3 weeks Indirect sunlight Trailing, small foliage
Graptopetalum Once every 2-3 weeks Indirect sunlight Rosette-shaped, colorful foliage
Crassula Once every 2-3 weeks Bright, indirect sunlight Compact, tree-like
Kalanchoe Once every 2-3 weeks Bright, indirect sunlight Upright, vibrant flowers
Agave Once every 4-6 weeks Bright, indirect sunlight Upright, spiky foliage

These succulents require watering once every 2-3 weeks, with some varieties needing watering only once every 4-6 weeks. They thrive in bright, indirect sunlight and can tolerate different light conditions. Their growth patterns vary from rosette-shaped to trailing, allowing for diverse terrarium designs. With these low-maintenance succulents, you can easily create a stunning and thriving terrarium that will be the highlight of your indoor space.

low-maintenance succulents for terrarium

Terrarium Plant Care

Proper care is essential for the health and longevity of your terrarium plants. By following these care tips, you can ensure the success of your terrarium and the well-being of your low-maintenance succulents.

1. Placement

Place your terrarium in a spot with indirect sunlight to prevent plant burn. While succulents require some amount of sunlight, direct sunlight can be too intense for them. Avoid placing your terrarium in areas with drafty air or near heating vents, as sudden temperature changes can be harmful to the plants.

2. Watering

The watering needs of your terrarium depend on the type of terrarium and succulents you have chosen. Closed terrariums generally require minimal watering, usually once or twice a year. When watering, use filtered or distilled water to avoid mineral buildup. Water around the edges of the terrarium to avoid disturbing the plants. Monitor the moisture levels of the soil and adjust the frequency of watering accordingly.

3. Ventilation

Condensation can form on the glass walls of a closed terrarium due to the enclosed environment. Wipe off any excess condensation with a clean cloth to prevent excessive moisture buildup. Additionally, occasionally crack open the top of the terrarium to release excess moisture and promote airflow. This will help prevent mold and rot from developing.

Care Tips Frequency
Placement Indirect sunlight, avoid drafty areas
Watering Once or twice a year, water around edges
Ventilation Wipe off condensation, crack open top occasionally

With proper care and attention, your terrarium will thrive and bring greenery and beauty to your indoor space. Enjoy the calming and low-maintenance benefits of having a terrarium filled with beautiful succulents.

Terrarium Succulent Care

Essential Materials for Terrarium DIY

Creating your own terrarium is a fun and rewarding DIY project. To get started, you’ll need a few essential materials and tools. Let’s take a look at what you’ll need:

Terrarium Materials

  • Terrarium container: Choose a container that suits your style and preferences. Glass containers are popular for better visibility, but you can also get creative with alternative options like mason jars or goldfish bowls.
  • Terrarium plants: Select the best succulents for your terrarium based on their size and care requirements. Look for low-maintenance succulents that thrive in an enclosed environment.
  • Potting soil: Use a well-draining potting soil suitable for succulents. Peat-based soil works well for terrariums as it allows proper drainage.
  • Rocks or pebbles: Add a layer of rocks or pebbles at the bottom of the container for drainage. This helps prevent waterlogging and ensures the health of your plants.
  • Charcoal: Optional, but can be added to improve drainage and water quality. Charcoal helps filter impurities and keeps the terrarium environment clean.
  • Decorative elements: Add adornments like decorative stones or figurines to enhance the overall look of your terrarium. This allows you to personalize and customize your creation.

Tools for Terrarium Planting

Having the right tools for planting in your terrarium will make the process easier and more efficient. Here are some must-have tools:

  • Long-handled tweezers: These provide precision and control for planting delicate plants in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Miniature gardening tools: Use mini trowels and rakes for manipulating soil and creating the perfect planting environment.
  • Spray bottle: Essential for misting plants and controlling moisture levels within the terrarium.

With these essential materials and tools, you’ll be well-equipped to create your own beautiful terrarium. Let your creativity flourish as you design and assemble your miniature ecosystem.

terrarium materials

Tools for Planting in Terrariums

When it comes to creating and maintaining a terrarium, having the right tools is essential. These tools will help you plant and care for your succulents with precision and ease. Here are some must-have tools for terrarium planting:

  • Long-handled tweezers: These are perfect for delicately placing small succulents in hard-to-reach areas of your terrarium.
  • Miniature gardening tools: Use mini trowels and rakes to manipulate the soil and create an ideal planting environment for your succulents.
  • Spray bottle: A spray bottle is essential for misting your terrarium plants and maintaining proper moisture levels.

With these tools in hand, you’ll have everything you need to successfully plant and care for your terrarium. The long-handled tweezers allow for precise placement of your succulents, ensuring each plant is positioned exactly where you want it. The miniature gardening tools make it easy to manipulate the soil and create a stable environment for your plants to thrive. And the spray bottle allows you to provide just the right amount of moisture to keep your terrarium healthy.

Choosing the Right Soil for Your Terrarium

Choosing the right soil composition is crucial for the health and growth of your terrarium plants. The soil you use should provide proper drainage and prevent waterlogging, ensuring the long-term survival of your succulents in the enclosed environment of a terrarium. A peat-based and well-draining potting soil is ideal for succulents and is recommended for use in terrariums.

Succulents have adapted to survive in arid conditions, and they require soil that allows excess moisture to escape. Peat-based potting soil provides excellent drainage and helps prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot and other problems. Avoid using garden soil or heavy clay-based soil, as these can retain too much moisture and cause issues for your terrarium plants.

When choosing a potting mix for your terrarium, look for one specifically formulated for succulents or cacti. These mixes typically contain a combination of peat moss, perlite, and sand, providing the ideal balance of water retention and drainage. You can also add a layer of horticultural charcoal to the bottom of your terrarium container to further improve drainage and water quality.

Table: Comparison of Terrarium Soil Options

Soil Option Composition Drainage Water Retention
Peat-based Potting Soil Peat moss, perlite, sand Excellent Low
Garden Soil Topsoil, organic matter Poor High
Cactus Soil Mix Peat moss, perlite, sand Good Moderate

In our comparison table, you can see the contrasting characteristics of different soil options for terrariums. Peat-based potting soil offers excellent drainage and low water retention, making it the optimal choice for succulent terrariums. Garden soil, on the other hand, has poor drainage and high water retention, making it unsuitable for terrariums. Cactus soil mix falls in between, with good drainage and moderate water retention.

By using the right soil composition, you can create a favorable growing environment for your terrarium plants and ensure their long-term health and beauty. Remember to water your terrarium sparingly, as succulents prefer drier conditions, and monitor the moisture levels to avoid overwatering. With the right soil and proper care, your terrarium will thrive and bring a touch of natural beauty to your indoor space.

Terrarium Decoration: Enhance Your Mini Landscape

When it comes to terrariums, the plants themselves are the main attraction. However, adding decorative elements can take your terrarium to the next level, transforming it into a stunning and personalized miniature landscape. Here are some optional materials that you can use to enhance the visual appeal of your terrarium:

  • Decorative stones or colored sand: These can add texture and depth to your terrarium. Experiment with different sizes and colors to create a unique and eye-catching display.
  • Small figurines or miniatures: Incorporate tiny animals, fairies, or other figurines to inject a touch of whimsy into your terrarium. These miniature characters can bring your terrarium to life and spark your imagination.
  • Miniature accessories: Consider adding benches, bridges, or watering cans to create a charming and realistic scene within your terrarium. These tiny elements can make your terrarium feel like a complete and intricate world.

By carefully selecting and arranging these optional materials, you can customize your terrarium and showcase your personal style and creativity. Remember to keep the scale and proportion in mind to ensure a harmonious and visually pleasing composition.

Table: Optional Materials for Terrarium Decoration

Material Description
Decorative stones or colored sand Textured elements that add depth and visual interest to your terrarium.
Small figurines or miniatures Miniature animals, fairies, or characters that bring a whimsical touch to your terrarium.
Miniature accessories Tiny benches, bridges, or watering cans that create a charming and realistic scene within your terrarium.

Remember to strike a balance between the plants and the decorative elements, allowing each to shine without overpowering the other. With the right combination of plants and optional materials, your terrarium will become a captivating centerpiece and a reflection of your personal style.

Which Succulents from Australia are Suitable for Terrariums?

Discover the world of Australian native succulents: botanical wonders that thrive in terrariums. These unique plant species, such as Echeveria pulvinata and Crassula ovata, offer a touch of Down Under charm to your indoor garden. Their vibrant colors, compact sizes, and ability to withstand varied conditions make them ideal choices for creating captivating terrarium displays. Elevate your green oasis with these stunning Australian native succulents: botanical wonders.

Proper Care and Placement of Terrariums

Proper care and placement of terrariums are crucial factors in ensuring their optimal growth and longevity. By providing the right conditions, you can enjoy a healthy and thriving mini ecosystem in your home. Here are some essential tips for caring for your terrarium:

Selecting the Ideal Location

When it comes to placement, choose a spot with indirect sunlight to prevent any potential damage from overexposure. Avoid areas with harsh direct sunlight, as it can scorch the delicate leaves of your terrarium plants. Additionally, keep your terrarium away from drafty areas or heating vents, as sudden temperature changes can negatively impact the enclosed environment.

Watering and Humidity Control

The watering needs of your terrarium will vary depending on its type (open or closed) and the plants it contains. Closed terrariums typically require minimal watering and should only be watered around the edges to avoid disturbing the plants. It’s important to monitor the moisture levels and avoid overwatering, as excess moisture can lead to root rot. If you notice excessive condensation on the glass, you can occasionally crack open the top to release excess moisture. Remember to use filtered or distilled water to avoid mineral buildup.

Temperature and Ventilation

Maintaining a consistent temperature is vital for the health of your terrarium. Succulents generally prefer temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Proper ventilation is also crucial, especially for closed terrariums. Periodically opening the lid will allow fresh air to circulate and prevent the growth of mold or fungus.

Terrarium Care Tips Terrarium Placement Tips
Place in indirect sunlight Avoid direct sunlight and drafts
Water sparingly, around the edges Monitor moisture levels and avoid overwatering
Use filtered or distilled water Maintain a consistent temperature
Occasionally crack open the top for ventilation Prevent sudden temperature changes

By following these care and placement tips, you can create an ideal environment for your terrarium and enjoy the beauty of your succulent plants for years to come.

Can Air Plants Be Used in Terrariums with Succulents?

Air plants, also known as Tillandsias, can indeed be used in terrariums with succulents. However, it is important to consider their unique care requirements. While succulents thrive in well-draining soil, air plants require good air circulation and only need to be misted or soaked occasionally. With proper care, they can live for many years, depending on the species and their environment. So, how long do air plants live? It varies, but with the right conditions, they can thrive and add a touch of whimsy to your succulent-filled terrarium.


Creating a terrarium is a delightful way to bring the beauty of succulent plants into your home. By carefully selecting the best succulents for your terrarium and providing them with proper care, you can create a captivating and low-maintenance mini ecosystem.

Whether you prefer an open or closed terrarium, there are endless possibilities for arranging and personalizing your terrarium to suit your style and preferences. Experiment with different succulent combinations and decorative elements to create the best succulent arrangement for your terrarium.

Some popular succulents for terrariums include Aloe vera, Echeveria, Haworthia, and Sedum. These succulents are well-suited for the enclosed environment of a terrarium and come in various shapes, colors, and textures, allowing you to create a visually stunning display.

Start your terrarium journey today and experience the tranquility and beauty that these miniature landscapes can bring to your home. Enjoy the therapeutic effects of nature and the joy of nurturing your own little green oasis.

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